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Ayurveda: Advice for Kapha Dosha

Ayurveda and Yoga kapha dosha
Ayurveda and Yoga kapha dosha

Kapha supports the structure of the body, holding it together and keeping us from falling apart. It forms muscle, fat, bones and sinews the stuff that keeps a human being or any other animal alive. The primary function of Kapha is protection.

What is Kapha Dosha?

Water + Earth

In Ayurvedic medicine, kapha is one of three constitutional types. It determines the structure and form of a person's physical body as well as their muscle mass. Kapha is made up of water and earth elements and is heavy, cold, oily, and soft.

People with a predominance of kapha tend to be large-boned, have thick skin, and slow movements. They are patient, methodical, and reliable but can also be lazy, indecisive, and resistant to change.

Kapha qualities and characteristics

  • Heavy

  • Slow

  • Steady

  • Solid

  • Cold

  • Soft

  • Oily

  • Smooth

  • Cloudy

  • Static

  • Cool

Kapha types are characterized by being (slow, steady, moist, smooth, oily, cool, heavy). They tend to be more physically built and their energy is more consistent throughout the day. Kapha types are reliable and patient, but can also be stubborn and inflexible. When out of balance, Kapha types may become sluggish, overweight, and depressed.

Kapha-dominant individuals are usually slow but steady workers. They may have a sweet tooth that is hard for them to curb, and overweight Kaphas often struggle with their weight—but eating foods rich in fiber help keep the pounds off.

Kapha people tend to be slow to warm up to new ideas or people. They need time to get comfortable with change and they appreciate the time it takes to get a project done right. This can make them feel stuck in a rut if they don't take small steps forward every day toward reaching their goals.

Now, let’s look at some of the signs that your Kapha dosha is in balance and when it might be out of balance:

Kapha in balance

When kapha is in balance, people tend to be calm, patient and grounded. They are able to think clearly and make sound decisions. They have good physical stamina and are able to withstand cold weather better than those with other doshas. we have a stable temperament, good long-term memory, and a healthy appetite. We tend to be compassionate and patient, and we enjoy routine.

As Kapha provides the stability that keeps our joints lubricated, well-supported and in harmony with bone movement; mucous membranes are protected and properly shielded from outside pathogens. The myelin sheath of nerves is also safeguarded for proper brain function, as it should be.

Kapha regulates growth and development of cells by providing nutrients to them. It forms into mucus in order to protect our lungs from infection or pollution.

The digestive system also contains a lot of Kapha, which helps with digestion by absorbing nutrients from food before they are assimilated into cells.

  • Strong and supple.

  • Stable and firm .

  • Feel supported in all bodily functions.

  • Compassionate and affectionate

  • Tend to have good long-term memory.

When Kapha is out of balance

When Kapha is imbalanced, we may feel sluggish, heavy and lethargic. We may have difficulty moving or exercising due to excess fat around the abdomen region. The skin becomes oily and dull with acne breakouts and dandruff, while hair gets greasy quickly.

There is excessive mucus production in the body, especially in the respiratory tract, which can lead to coughs and asthma attacks.

Kapha is a powerhouse of emotions and feelings. It's the body type that can feel sluggish, slow, and sluggish on the digestion front. Kapha is also prone to sinus and respiratory issues, which means they may feel blocked up or congested. They can also feel sad and hopeless.

When Kapha is out of balance, you may feel lethargic, crave sweet or salty foods, and retain water. You may also be more prone to allergies, congestion, and sinus or respiratory problems. Weight gain is also common when Kapha is out of balance.

  • Feelings of sadness

  • Difficulty waking up

  • Food cravings

  • Sluggish digestion

  • Gains weight easily

  • Greedines

  • Feeling lethargic

How to Balance Kapha

You know how it feels when you're feeling a little sluggish and your body wants to hibernate? Well, that's the kapha season. It's when the air is damp and still, when the weather is cold, and there are few things to do but stay indoors and try not to get sick.

It can be really hard to balance kapha during this time of year, but there are some ways to keep yourself from getting stuck in a rut. Here's what you can do:

Seek stimulation. If you're going through kapha season right now, it might seem like there isn't much going on outside of work or school—but that doesn't mean you have to stay stuck at home all day!

Seek out new experiences throughout your day: go get ice cream with a friend, go out for dinner or drinks with family or friends, attend an event that interests you but isn't strictly work-related (like a yoga class), take a long walk around town… the possibilities are endless!

Follow a regular daily routine. When we feel sluggish and uninspired all day long, it's hard for us to stay focused on our goals or even get through tasks at work (or school). That's why it's so important to follow a schedule every day.

Stay Warm & Avoid Dampness. In winter months when our bodies are cold, we may not realize how much heat we are losing through our skin or by sweating. To help maintain balance with kapha, make sure you're staying warm enough indoors and avoiding dampness as much as possible.

Clear your space. When you spend most of your days inside, it's easy to forget about the world outside. But if you want to avoid being stuck in a funk, clear off your desk, clean your house, and organize your closet.

Get regular exercise. Exercise helps to boost energy levels and keeps your mind sharp. It also improves circulation and increases metabolism, making it easier to burn calories and lose weight.

Kapha dosha using regular pitta diet

Eating foods that have a balancing effect on the dominant dosha . For example, if you have too much vata in your system, eating foods high in protein will help to calm down the excess vata. Similarly, if you have too many kapha qualities, then eating foods that are bitter and astringent tastes will help to reduce the amount of kapha in your system.

  • Try a liquid fast one day per week. A liquid fast is a great way to detoxify your body and give your digestive tract a break. This could be done for a single day, or over several weeks.

  • Drink hot ginger tea with meals. Ginger has been shown to improve digestion and increase appetite. Try drinking 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root mixed into a cup of boiling water. You can add honey and lemon juice to taste.

  • Eat more vegetables. Vegetables contain many nutrients that have been shown to promote good health.. They contain fiber, which aids digestion and helps to lower cholesterol.

  • Reduce intake of nut and seed products. Small quantities of fat and oil are needed for proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. However, excessive consumption of these substances can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.

  • Use small amounts of fats and oils. Use olive oil instead of butter or margarine, and use coconut oil instead of lard.


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