The history of chakras
The chakras are an intricate energy system that dates back to 1500 to 1000 BC. They're mentioned in the Vedas, and they form a complex and ancient energy system that is still being studied today.
The chakras are believed to be centers of energy that flow through your body, connecting you to your higher self and guiding you on your path. Chakras are often associated with specific colors or emotions: red for passion, yellow for wisdom, green for abundance and harmony.
What are Chakras?
Chakras are the energy centres of the human body. They are located along the spinal cord and extend from the base of the spine to the top of the head. There are seven major chakras: Muladhara (root or base), Svadhisthana (sacral), Manipura (Solar Plexus), Anahata (Heart Chakra), Visuddha (Throat Chakra), Ajna (Third Eye) and Sahasrara(Crown). These chakras correspond to different parts of the body.
Each chakra radiate a specific colour and energy. They are associated with certain glands in the body. When they are blocked or not functioning properly, this may cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems.
It is believed that when all the chakras are balanced, you will experience peace, happiness and bliss. If any of them are out of balance, there will be imbalance in your life.
Chakra meaning
The word chakra in Sanskrit means “wheel”. They influence mental, physical and spiritual well-being, by helping to align aspects of ourselves with cosmic realities of oneness. It is through these centers that we channel different types of energy for healing and/or enlightenment.
Types of Chakras
There are seven major chakras in the body. Each of the seven energy centers is associated with a particular color and sound vibration, as well as an element and organ. As you move through different levels of consciousness, each chakra will open up and expand to accommodate this change.
If your energy centers are blocked, you may experience different attributes of physical, mental and emotional health.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Location: Base of spine, tailbone area
Yoga Poses to open the root chakra: forward fold and seated postures
Muladhara Chakra, also known as the Root Chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the element of earth and is responsible for our physical survival.
This chakra provides us with a sense of stability and grounding. When it is balanced, we feel safe and secure both emotionally and physically. A blockage or imbalance in the root chakra can manifest as fear, anxiety and uncertainty.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Location: Just below the bellybutton
Yoga Poses to open the sacral chakra: Bridge Pose, Pigeon Pose or Lizard Pose.
The Svadhishthana Chakra, also known as the Sacral Chakra, is located in the lower abdomen.This chakra governs our sexual and creative energies. When this chakra is balanced, we feel confident and sexually fulfilled. We are able to express our creativity without inhibition.
When the Svadhishthana Chakra is out of balance, we may experience sexual dysfunction, low self-esteem, or creative blocks. We may also feel emotionally unstable or disconnected from our bodies. Physical imbalances in this chakra can manifest as reproductive problems, urinary issues, or digestive disorders.
Navel Chakra (Manipura)
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Location: navel area
Yoga Poses to open the navel chakra: Boat or Triangle.
The color yellow is associated with the navel chakra, which is located in the abdomen. This chakra is responsible for our self-esteem and confidence.
When this chakra is balanced, we feel good about ourselves and are able to take on the world. We radiate positive energy and attract others to us.
When this chakra is out of balance, we may feel insecure, anxious, or depressed. We may have trouble standing up for ourselves or taking risks.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Color: Green
Element: Air
Location: Center of chest, just above the heart ( The heart center)
Yoga Poses to open the heart chakra: Camel Pose or Wheel.
Love and compassion are two of the most important aspects of the heart chakra. When this chakra is open, we are able to give and receive love more easily. We may also find ourselves feeling more compassionate towards others, and wanting to help them in their time of need.
People with a blocked heart chakra are unable to connect deeply with others and feel little compassion or empathy.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Color: Blue
Element: Space
Location: Throat
Yoga Poses to open the throat chakra: Plow and Fish
The Vishuddha Chakra, also known simply as the throat chakra, is located in our throat. This chakra is associated with communication and self-expression. When this chakra opens, we can speak clearly and effectively communicate what we want.
A blocked throat chakra may cause us to stutter, be tongue tied, or have difficulty expressing ourselves.
Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Color: Indigo
Element: Divine Consciousness
Location: Between the eyes, (also called the Brow Chakra)
Yoga Poses to open the third eye chakra: child's pose and meditation.
The third eye chakra is located at the center of the forehead, between the two eyes. It is also called Ajna or "command center of energy," because it's where you access your intuition, imagination and wisdom.
The third eye chakra represents our connection to the universe, with access to transcendent knowledge and wisdom.
When this chakra is blocked, we lose our connection with higher consciousness and experience headaches that come from a lack of understanding.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Color: Violet/White
Element: Divine Consciousness
Location: The very top of the head
Yoga Poses to open the sahasrara chakra: headstand and hare pose
The Sahasrara Chakra is the Seventh Chakra known as the Crown Chakra and is located at the top of the head. This chakra is associated with spirituality, enlightenment, and dynamic thought and energy.
This chakra connects us to the Divine and allows us to see life through a larger perspective. it is linked to every other chakra. Considered the chakra of enlightenment and bliss, when this chakra is activated, we become aware of all things simultaneously.
When the crown chakra is blocked, we lose touch with our intuition and spiritual connection. It may also manifest as depression, anxiety, frustration, insomnia, and bipolar disorder.