May 28, Sunday 8pm-9pm "Channelling Wisdom from the Yogis and Sages" ONLINE - Donation Based. Save the date on your calendar!
During the last yoga teacher training, while leading a meditation, I had a clear sense of the original yogis with a special yoga transmission. It is my sense that this transmission bridges in a "living" and spiritual understanding of yoga. So i am holding a event to bridge this energy to you 28th of May 8pm-9pm. We might do a short meditation, some pranayama and then start the channelling. This will be held over zoom and then recorded for later diffusion. You can be seated or lying down during the event, just be comfortable. To register for the event please use the link. Suggested Donation is E20 you can donate via HelloAsso
or paypay:
I hope to make this a monthly event every last Sunday of the month - some live workshops and also interviews with special guests. Mark it on your calendar.
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