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Yoga Pose : Standing Poses and Extended Side Angle Pose or Parsva Trikonasana

Let's have a look at an extended side angle or Parsva Trikonasana and other standing poses.

How to do it?

You can start off with your feet wide apart. Here is the question that arises. How wide should your feet should legs be? Let's review. Remember, this is just a guide. Have your arms out shoulder height, and imagine the straight line from the wrists all the way down to the floor. That is the width you are aiming for. You might want a narrower stance as a beginner.

This is the same width for warrior one and for warrior two, triangle, twisting triangle, extended side angle and extended twisting side angle (virabhadrasana 1, virabhadrasana 2, trikonasana, praivritta trikonasana, utthita parsvatrikonasana, parivritta parsva trikonasana). Now if you replace one of the foot placements for your hand placement, you will arrive at plank pose.

Triangle Pose

Inhale, lift your arms up, exhale, and reach forward. Then release the lower arm to the floor, right arm all the way up towards the sky. You can touch the floor if you can reach it, not leaning forward or back.

After five breaths, looking down towards your toes, inhale coming up.

Extended Side Angle Pose

Now let's do an extended side angle, which is very similar to a triangle except you have the front knee bend You are now in warrior two.

Place the forearm on the thigh, and reach your right arm by your ear, turn your head up to look towards the ceiling.

Imagine a straight line from your fingers running all the way down to the outside edge of your foot. After five breaths, look down at the left toes and inhale, you can come up into warrior two or into triangle pose.

And then you can go into the downward dog from here. Or you can just simply go back to standing right at the center.

Let's do another variation of this extended side angle pose.

Inhale, and lift your right leg up. Exhale, send it to the back. Turn your hips out to the side. Get to your heel, front heel, and your back heel in line, your back foot at parallel with the back edge of the mat or 90 degrees.

Place your left forearm on the front thigh. Reach your arm, right arm by the ear. If you feel comfortable, you come to variation. Slowly take your left hand down to the floor. Also you can take your right arm and you take it behind you so that you can really open your chest up.

Now let me explain to you a pose as a side stretch or the side of your ribs. So what you do is you still keep the front leg at 90 degrees. But this time, you want to take your left shoulder as close as you can to the knee.

And then you take your arm all the way. You will not create a nice straight diagonal line. but you try to create a curve. So keep in mind the difference. It's stretching the rib cage inter-costal muscles. And here's the other one. Your hips actually go lower. Both poses are correct.

They just do different things for the body. If you a re a beginner teacher, when you're starting to compose your class, decide in your mind which one you would like to make your students use one or two variations. For more information about yoga teacher training click the link

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