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Yoga Sutra: The Niyama

Niyama Yoga Sutra
niyama Yoga Sutra


“Niyama” The five Niamas is the second one limb, a few of the 8 limbs of yoga defined in Patanjali`s yoga sutra. It accommodates of 5 inner practices, which make bigger the ethical codes of behavior that Yama gives. Niyama extends those practices to a person’s inner surroundings of spirit,

mind, and body.

Practicing niyama assists us to uphold a tremendous environment where in we are able to grow. Besides, niyama gives the strength of will in addition to inner-energy a yogi desires with the intention to grow to be higher of their yogic practice

Five Standards of Niyama

1. Saucha-Cleansing

Saucha is the first Niyama amongst according to Patanjali`s Yoga Sutras. This Niyama includes several practices for cleansing the body and mind. The impurities found both in our internal bodies, and the external environment can affect the state of our minds negatively. Saucha also encourages us to surround ourselves with a clean environment.

2. Santosha-Contentment

Santosha is defined as “contentment” or “joy, happiness, or delight. This Niyama teaches us not to crave for what we don`t possess, and not to covet what other people have. Santosha comes from experiencing acceptance. That is accepting life, ourselves, and what life brings to our lives.

When you are content with what life gives you, then you will be able to attain true happiness and joy. However, the sages and personal experience teach us that the happiness you gain by possessing materials is short-lived.

3.Tapas-Self Discipline

Tapas requires us to practice intense self-discipline and achieve willpower. Self-discipline is doing something that you don`t want to, but it has a positive impact on your life. This can be new habits, improved healthy living, different direction of life, or better concentration. Most yogis say that practicing tapas causes the discharge of kundalini as well as attaining enlightenment.

It removes the negativity in you though detaching you from the unnecessary things in life.

4. Swadhyaya-Self study

Through Svadhyaya, we are able to see and understand our true nature through contemplating the lessons we learn from our lives as well as meditating on the truths that were revealed to us by the sages and seers. Svadhyaya gives us an infinite chance to learn about our weaknesses and flaws and assists us to correct them and move beyond them. Doing that assists you to understand your mistakes, and helps us to address these mistakes in a composed manner. The yogic practice of svadhyaya involves studying spiritual and sacred texts.

5. Ishwarapranidhana

This is devotion, surrender, and dedication to higher or divine power. Ishvara Pranidhana assists you to drop your ego, and this helps you to understand how you can benefit from the things you do. According to Patanjali, you must drop your ego and the endless identification with yourself if you want to achieve yoga goal. By dedicating yourself to yoga practice, you get reminded of your connection to a divine being.


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